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Sell Stuff? 6 Reasons You Need an eCommerce Website!

Published: 08-12-2020
Author: Noelle Castle

Building an online shop, setting up your eCommerce website, is a fantastic way to grow your business. You can reach new customers, and increase your revenue faster than most other traditional sales options. If you are looking for an easy and proven way to increase your product sales - you need an ecommerce website! If you don't have one, you are leaving money on the table. Here's why:

Small business owners are facing a new truth - the world has moved online.

1 - You Will Attract New Customers

The immediate benefit to adding ecommerce to your website is that you will begin attracting new customers right away. Most shoppers are going online and searching for products before they buy them. Even is they intend to shop locally, they start with an online search to learn more about product options, costs, reviews, and product features. But, you know what often happens? They end up buying the product from an online site during their research! If your products (on your ecommerce site) don't show up in their search, you are closing yourself off from the primary way consumers shop in 2020!

2 - You Will Make Money Online

Any business owner knows, revenue comes down to mathematics. The more places you can offer your products for purchase, the more chances you have to make sales. When you open up an online store, you open up a whole new avenue to generate revenue from. You can still maintain your other methods for selling your products physically, AND have a whole new, additional way to generate income via online sales.

Who shops online? Big Commerce studies show:

  • Millennials and Gen X. This generation accounts for 50% more time shopping online each week (six hours) than the older generation (four hours). 
  • Everyone else. Seniors, Baby Boomers, and Gen X are ‘adding to cart,' as well. 56% of Gen X prefer to search and purchase on eCommerce sites rather than in-store; 41% of baby boomers and even 28% of seniors prefer online to offline shopping.
  • All Geographies. While it may seem counterintuitive, urban citizen have greater proximity to physical stores, yet online shoppers in major metropolitan areas spend more money on eCommerce websites ($853) than suburban shoppers ($768), and even those isolated in rural areas ($684).
  • Men. Men reported spending 28% more online than women during the past year.

With data like this, it becomes clear that all businesses must have an online website!

3 - You Make Buying Your Products More Convenient

Yeah, we're a bit of a lazy society these days! With just about every convenience available as an app or link away on our Smartphones, people don't go out of their way as much. Another reason to have an ecommerce website - your customers will appreciate you making it easier for them to buy your stuff! If your customers are busy, move away from your physical locations, or simply prefer armchair shopping, your website will provide the convenience they are looking for.

4 - Your Business Hours Just Went to 24/7

Interested in making money while you sleep?! Heck yeah!! Your ecommerce website will allow customers to buy from you at any time, something your brick and mortar store likely isn't offering. Through your online shop, customers can take their time to browse your products, check availability of their favorite items, and make a purchase whenever they are ready. With the internet - you're always open for business!

Don't just listen to us - the value of global eCommerce sales for 2019 are projected to be around 3.45 trillion dollars!

5 - You Can Acquire New Markets

When you take your products online, your reach expands considerably. If your goods are popular in your local market, who knows what people in other places will think! On your ecommerce website, your products can be seen and purchased by anyone, anywhere. Basically, an ecommerce site creates endless opportunities for sales and reaching new customer markets. You could be discovered by a larger retailer who wants to carry your products in their shop. You might be invited to be an affiliate marketer. Without the limitations of time and space that your physical retail location has, your ecommerce site exposes your business to a whole new set of possibilities.

6 - You Will Greatly Increase Your Brand Awareness

Getting your products out there online will get you greater exposure on social media, in consumer online searches, and from your new customers you are gaining online. Tapping into all these new areas on the internet and new markets, the end result is that your brand awareness will naturally increase. Natural brand building is the more authentic and therefore most successful. As more people become aware of your business and products, more people will become interested in buying them. As more people can share and spread your ecommerce site, your brand expands exponentially - so do your sales!

Are YOU ready to get your products online?!

It doesn't have to be complicated.

One of the big fears of business owners who have yet to make the leap to the online world is staying organized, particularly with their sales and inventory data.

Operating a physical store is hard enough, the thought of adding more pressure with an online sales business seems daunting. Luckily, these fears are removed when you choose a qualified web development company to work with in creating your online store. They will work with you to determine the best way to sync your inventory data, sales and other ordering data with your current POS system.

It doesn't have to cost you a whole lot.

While adding an ecommerce store to your website is of course an investment, it doesn't compare to the costs of opening or running bricks and mortar locations. The marketing costs involved in driving traffic to your physical locations are also a consideration in costs versus return on investment. For a fraction of these costs, you can get your ecommerce site set up and being selling products 24/7 within just a few weeks!

Let Zebralove Web Solutions help you start making money online!

At Zebralove Web Solutions, we design and develop ecommerce websites with your business and your customers in mind. There are no cookie-cutter templates, and one-size for all websites around here. We specialize in the creation of customized ecommerce websites that are tailored to your products and your unique requirements. Because we are also ecommerce business owners ourselves (and pretty good online shoppers!), we have a depth of experience to advise our clients on achieving ecommerce success. Our focus is always on user experience and built-in optimization so that engagement and traffic is already built into your site to drive sales.

Contact Us Today for a FREE Consultation!

Noelle Castle - post author

Noelle Castle

Content Writer
Castle Media Co.

Noelle has been a marketing professional, and a published author and copywriter for over 20 years. Her work has been featured in both print publications and online media, where she has written on a broad range of topics. She owns Castle Media Co., assisting businesses with their marketing and digital media needs, specializing in website development, content marketing, social media, copywriting, and blogging.

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