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Tiger Tips: Creating Video Content with Tiger Mike

Published: 09-10-2024
Author: Mike McKeen

Hey gang, this is Tiger Mike with some Tiger Tips for your content creation for your social media, website, YouTube channel, or wherever you want to share your content. Brought to you by Zebralove Web Solutions. You can go ahead and watch my video on these tips right here, or you can read this blog post for the content that I will go over in the video:

Tip 1: Don't Over-Complicate It!

I'm recording this video right now using my smartphone. I have a pretty nice camera on my smartphone, but most smartphones have at least a good enough camera to record basic video content. You really don’t have to make it more complicated than that!

I’m also using a portable recorder to record my voice. Right now, I'm just using the microphones that are on the portable recorder itself. This model also has an XLR and quarter-inch inputs. It really depends on what you purchase, but I would recommend if you're serious about video content creation, getting a recorder that has XLR and quarter-inch inputs is a good idea.

With input options you can use specialized microphones like a boom mic or a shotgun mic, as it's also known, which is designed to record whatever it's pointed at, even at a significant distance.

Pro Advice: You don’t want to hold it right up to your mouth as you're speaking. You would want this microphone to be a solid distance away from you, but do make sure it’s pointed directly toward where you're speaking.

An external mic is a great option if you want to record things very professionally. You can also get a USB mic for your laptop or your desktop, and that would make a great audio recording as well. Your cell phone's mic is not going to be as good as these devices are, however, it's not bad on its own, especially when you’re starting out. If you don't want to do the external audio equipment right now, your smartphone should be good enough.

Tip 2: What to Say

Now, if you've done any networking, say in the Chamber of Commerce or BNI or anything like that, then you should be used to getting up and speaking in front of people for about a minute about your business, who you are, the customers you're looking for. These are some good networking tips.

You don't necessarily want to say the exact same thing that you would say at a networking meeting on a video. You want to be directing this video to the people who are your best customers or who might give you good referrals. You’re not necessarily telling us in your video who your best potential clients are.

You want your content to be about what you know, what you can talk easily about. Your experience, knowledge, and expertise. Then give good, free information to people who will then, when they need a service like yours, will think of your business first when they need someone.

A great thing about “giving away helpful information” in a video is as soon as these issues come up for someone who has watched it, they will want to call you. As opposed to trying to do it themselves. They're going to go ahead and call you, the person who they think of as the expert in this service area.

Click here to watch the video Tiger Mike is referring to in this post.

Final Tip: Consider Your Surroundings!

Lastly, don't forget to consider your surroundings. So right now I've actually set this area up to make videos so that I have a clean and presentable surrounding that looks somewhat comfortable. That is also a little bit representative of me. I'm Tiger Mike so I have some tiger things around. Just think of the backdrop of your video – keep it tidy, not distracting, and have some branding in view if possible.


So, making a video is about knowing how to record the video, making sure that your content is reaching out to the demographic that you're targeting, and is also giving good advice or information that will make them think of you. Then finally, it’s also about making sure that your surroundings are adequate to be presentable for a video.

What About Editing My Videos?

When it comes to editing your videos, there's a lot of different apps and software out there. You can possibly use your desktop or laptop, depending on how powerful it is. You can also use your smartphone a lot of the time these days to do it on. TikTok, Instagram or Clapper is another newer app that is like TikTok, and you can generally edit right on these apps, so you have a lot of options out there.

You can also use software on the internet, like Canva. There's a lot out there. See what you already have on your computer or phone, and do some research. Figure out what seems best for your process, and your comfort zone. Most importantly, go ahead and start making your own videos!

Generally, people don’t make videos because they fear what they will look or sound like, or they are intimidated by the process. Again, gang, it doesn't have to be that complicated! Don’t overthink it and just start recording!

Okay, this is Tiger Mike. Hope you enjoyed these Tiger Tips brought to you by Zebralove Web Solutions.

See you next time. Don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you're watching on a channel like YouTube.

Mike McKeen - post author

Mike McKeen

Tiger Funk Productions & Media Management

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