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Year-End Tax Tip: Websites are a GREAT Write Off!

Published: 11-21-2022
Author: Noelle Castle

Year-End Tax Tip: Websites are a GREAT Write Off!

Looking to Get Some Expenses in for 2022 Taxes - Websites are a Perfect Tax Deduction!

Filing taxes is an unavoidable chore, but it's a necessary part of running a successful business. The good news is that by making some smart moves NOW at the end of the year, you can save money on business taxes. One easy way to do this is to pre-pay for some expenses in 2022 and increase your deductible expenses for the year which directly impact the amount of taxes you will owe.

If your website is old or in need of updating - paying for it now will insure you get this important project done in early 2023 and give you a deduction for this year's taxes at the same time! We also offer several other annual services, like web hosting and digital marketing packages, that can be pre-paid in full in 2022 to increase your deductible business expenses.

Website costs are likely 100% DEDUCTABLE as part of your necessary and regular business expenses.

Now is the time to do a year-end bookkeeping check so you can maximize opportunities to claim deductions for your business when it comes time to file in April.

You can leverage tax benefits for your business by spending now.

How About a Double Benefit to Spending on a New Website?

Every business owner knows: "You have to spend money to make money." What you might not recognize is that spending that money can bring you a double benefit! Not only can the money you spend be deducted from your business income in determining your taxable income, but it will also help you grow your business.

The #1 marketing tool most critical to businesses now is an effective website.

2022 Year-End SPECIAL - Website Package

Complete Website $2,750

Design - Setup - Content

SAVE $500!

Have a website created that will get you a solid presence online. This special offer is for a basic website to use as your online brochure with contact and social media links, contact form, and optimized content.

This special package includes: initial meeting regarding website design and navigation; basic layout; client interview for copy; basic subscription/contact form.

What's Included:

New Website with Branded Home + Interior Pages:

  • Home
  • Services Pages (up to 6, including dropdown menu formatting)
  • About
  • Testimonials or 1 Other Named Page
  • Work/Project Portfolio w Photo Gallery (up to 30 images)
  • Contact Page & Submission Form
  • Copywriting: Home page + 2 Interior Pages

*  Deposit Payment of $1,375 (50%) must be received by December 31, 2022.

** Additional copywriting and other website features are available for additional costs.

Noelle Castle - post author

Noelle Castle

Content Writer
Castle Media Co.

Noelle has been a marketing professional, and a published author and copywriter for over 20 years. Her work has been featured in both print publications and online media, where she has written on a broad range of topics. She owns Castle Media Co., assisting businesses with their marketing and digital media needs, specializing in website development, content marketing, social media, copywriting, and blogging.

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